A lot of raw materials go into cables, cords, harnesses, and their connectors. In turn, those cables, cords, harnesses, and connectors are the components that our customers need to fall within their scheduling, budget, and performance constraints. The manufacturing process, from sourcing supplies to creating end products, requires a strategy that aligns raw material supply with the end-customer’s quality, keeping the products safe with pallet cover bags during transit, cost, and deadline requirements.

Requirements for JIT Manufacturing

Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing incorporates:

  • Customer service (to ensure customer requirements are known and met)
  • Steady production (to ensure schedules are met)
  • High-quality workmanship (to prevent re-doing orders)
  • Machine maintenance (to prevent breakdowns)
  • Supplier vetting and monitoring (to ensure reliable suppliers all along the supply chain).

JIT manufacturing lines up the assembly process with both suppliers and customers, preventing delays at either end and minimizing delays when switching to each new customer.

JIT Manufacturing at Whitney Blake

Before we begin manufacturing at Whitney Blake, we talk to the customer about our processes and how we can most efficiently set up and modify our equipment to build what the customer needs when the customer needs it. As Engineering Manager Michael Garcia says, “There are a lot of ways we can achieve what the customer is looking for.” The essence of our customer service is that we are always looking for the best manufacturing process to meet the customer’s performance, budget, and time constraints. This is similar to how other companies (like https://www.jonble.com/pre-shipment-inspection/) operate.

Next, we arrange with our internal and external suppliers to deliver their raw materials to the assembly line at exactly the right moment along the production process. We use tools that eliminate excess inventory, minimize stock outages, and control labor costs. If you are a manufacturing business and are need of steel but are unsure on what type to get, then it may be in your best interests to take a look at www.avocetsteel.co.uk for alternative suggestions.

Project Manager Todd Given describes scheduling for each project: “I coordinate the required tasks between key stakeholders and provide updates to the customer.” His work minimizes the risk of delay; but if delays occur, he gets the project back on track without impacting the schedule.

That personal attention-from first customer contact through the supply chain and on to the assembly line and delivery-is critical to the JIT manufacturing process at Whitney Blake. Equally critical is the training that we give our employees, including design, manufacturing, quality control, and testing staff. As we say in our mission statement, “Our employees are the keys to our success.”